eOrganic Webinar and Broadcast Recordings by Topic

Find all archived eOrganic webinars and conference broadcast recordings on organic farming and research organized by topic on this page. For a chronological listing of webinars and for upcoming webinars, go to https://eorganic.org/node/4942


ABCs of Organic Certification, Jim Riddle, UMN

The Barriers to Organic Transition: Impacts and Policy Solutions. Timothy Delbridge, University of Minnestota. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Developing an Organic System Plan for Row Crops, Beth Rota

Flooding and Organic Certification, Jim Riddle, UMN

GMO Contamination: What's an Organic Farmer to Do?, Jim Riddle, UMN

How can Organic, non-GMO and GMO Crops Coexist? Live Broadcast, Lynn Clarkson, Clarkson Grain. Broadcast live from the 2013 Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism and Organic Conference

National Organic Program Update, Miles McEvoy, NOP

Organic Certification of Research Sites and Facilities, Jim Riddle, UMN

Third Party Audits for Small and Medium Sized Meat Processors (updated in 2017), Jim Riddle, Joe McCommons, and the Quality Control Manager of Lorentz Meats

Climate Change

2 Part Webinar Series on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Quality in Long-term Integrated and Transitional Reduced Tillage Organic Systems, Ann-Marie Fortuna, NDSU, Craig Cogger and Doug Collins, WSU Puyallup

Effects of Climate Change on Insect Communities in Organic Farming Systems, David Crowder, WSU

Extreme Weather: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Farming Systems in the Midwest Region. Joel Gruver, Western Illinois University

Greenhouse Gases and Agriculture: Where does Organic Farming fit?, David Granatstein, Lynne Carpenter-Boggs, Washington State University, Dave Huggins, WSU

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Dairy Farming Systems, Tom Richard, Gustavo Camargo, Penn State

Impact of Grain Farming Methods on Climate Change, Michel Cavigelli, USDA-ARS

Meeting Weather Challenges in the Western U.S.: Organic Practices to Mitigate and Prepare for Climate Change (Organic Farming and Soil Health in the Western U.S. Webinar Series), Mark Schonbeck, Organic Farming Research Foundation

National Organic Research Agenda 2022: Understanding Organic Grower Needs and Challenges Across the U.S. Thelma I. Velez, PhD., Organic Farming Research Foundation

New Times: New Tools: Cultivating Resilience on Your Organic Farm, Laura Lengnick, Cultivating Resilience LLC

Organic Agriculture - Global Contributions to Environment and Food Security. Nadia Scialabba, Senior Officer, Sustainable Development, FAO-UN, Broadcast from USDA Organic Systems Conference

Organic Practices for Climate Mitigation, Adaptation and Carbon Sequestration. Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming, Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Performance of Organic Treatments in Long-Term Systems Trials: Organic Benefits and Challenges in the Face of Climate Change, Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin

Shades of Green Dairy Farm Calculator, Charles Benbrook, The Organic Center


2nd International Organic Fruit Symposium Broadcasts 2012

Dryland Organic Agriculture Symposium from the Washington Tilth Conference 2011

Fly Management on Your Organic Dairy Broadcast 2013

Grains Week! 2021

International Quinoa Research Symposium Broadcasts 2013

Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015 Recordings and Proceedings

Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016 Live Broadcast of Selected Presentations

Organic Soil Health Research Special Session at the Tri-Societies Conference 2017

Organicology 2015: Selected Live Broadcasts, Crop Rotation and Soil Health, and Seed Intensive Workshops

Organicology 2017 Selected Live Broadcasts on seed production and variety trials

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2012, Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2014: Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2016: Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2018: Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2018: Seed Economics Intensive

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2020  live broadcasts of presentations on biennial seed production, seed economics and seed contracting

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2022: recordings of the hybrid conference

Recordings from the 2024 Tilth Conference: Transition to Organic Sessions


Biodiversity and Organic Agriculture, Jim Brandle, University of Nebraska. From Organic Farming Systems Research at the University of Nebraska Webinar.

Getting EQIPed: USDA Conservation Programs for Organic and Transistioning Farmers, Jim Riddle, UMN

Healthy Farm Index Biodiversity Calculator, John Quinn, Furman University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

How to Implement and Verify Biodiversity Conservation Activities in Organic Agricultural Systems, Jo ann Baumgartner, Wild Farm Alliance; John Quinn, Furman University

Increasing Plant and Soil Biodiversity on Organic Farmscapes, Louis Jackson, UC Davis

NRCS Conservation Practices, Organic Management and Soil Health, Susan Andrews, Carmen Ugarte, Michelle Wander

NRCS EQIP Technical and Financial Support for Conservation on Organic Farms Webinar, Sarah Brown, Oregon Tilth

Supporting Beneficial Birds and Managing Pest Birds. Jo Ann Baumgartner, Wild Farm Alliance; Sara Kross, Columbia University; and Sacha Heath, Living Earth Collaborative

Tools for Farm Biodiversity, Olivia Smith, Bill Snyder, Amanda Edworthy, Washington State University; Miyoko Chu, Rhiannon Crain, Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Lynn Dicks, University of East Anglia; Christina Kennedy and Chris Latimer, The Nature Conservancy

Using NRCS Conservation Practices and Programs to Transition to Organic, David Lamm, NRCS

Water Management and Water Quality, Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming; Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Cover Crops

Assessing Nitrogen Contribution and Rhizobia Diversity Associated with Winter Legume Cover Crops in Organic Systems, Julie Grossman, NCSU

Breeding Efforts and Cover Crop Choices for Improved Organic Dry Bean Production Systems in Michigan, Jim Heilig, Michigan State University

Cover Crops for Disease Suppression, Alex Stone, Oregon State

Cover Crop Selection, Jude Maul, USDA ARS

Cover Crops: Selection and Management, Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming; Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Contribution from Cover Crops, Nick Andrews, Dan Sullivan, Oregon State

The Evolution, Status, and Future of Organic No-Till in the Northeast US, William Curran, Penn State; Steven Mirsky, USDA; Bill Mason, Mason's Heritage Farms

Implementing Cover Crop-based Reduced Tillage in Small Scale Organic Vegetable Production. Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Increasing Soil Fertility and Health Through Cover Crops, Julie Grossman, NCSU

Linking Cover Crops, Plant Pathogens, and Disease Control in Organic Tomatoes, Brian McSpadden-Gardener

Planning for Flexibility in Effective Crop Rotations, Chuck Mohler, Cornell

Optimizing the Benefits of Hairy Vetch in Organic Production, John Teasdale, USDA-ARS

Organicology 2015: Selected Live Broadcasts, Crop Rotation and Soil Health Workshops

Quantifying the Impacts of Cover Crops on Organic Dry Beans, Erin Hill, Michigan State University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

The Role of Cover Crops in Organic Transition Strategies, Brian McSpadden-Gardener, Ohio State

Rotational No-till and Mulching Systems for Organic Vegetable Farms, Jan-Hendrik Cropp, Under_Cover Consulting

Using Cover Crop Mixtures to Achieve Multiple Goals on the Farm, Charlie White, Mitch Hunter, Jermaine Hinds, Jim LaChance, Penn State University

Using Cover Crops to Suppress Weeds in Northeast US Farming systems, William Curran, Penn State Matthew Ryan, Cornell

Using Winter Killed Cover Crops to Facilitate Organic No-till Planting of Early Spring Vegetables, Mike Snow, Farm Manager, Accokeek Ecosystem Farm; Charlie White, Penn State


A Look at the Newly Released Organic Pasture Rule, Kerry Smith, USDA, AMS, National Organic Program

Amending Soil in the Organic Dairy Pasture, Cindy Daley, CSU Chico

Animal Health as a "Holistic Concept" in Organic Dairy Production, Cindy Daley, CSU Chico, Recorded at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Barley Fodder Feeding for Organic Dairies, John Stoltzfus, Be-A-Blessing Organic Dairy, Fay Benson, Cornell University

Behavior Based Grazing Management: A Plant-Herbivore Interaction Webinar, Darrell Emmick

Birdsfoot Trefoil as a Forage on Organic Dairy Farms, Jennifer MacAdam, USU

Bovine Fatty Acids: From Forage to Milk, Melissa Bainbridge and Caleb Goossen, University of Vermont

Breeding and Genetics: Considerations for Organic Dairy Farms, Brad Heins, UMN

Comparing Feed Costs of Different Dairy Systems (Mainly Wisconsin) From 1995 to 2010. Tom Kriegl, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Connections between Biodiversity and Livestock Well-Being, Juan Alvez, UVM

Considerations for Out-Wintering the Organic Dairy Herd, Brad Heins, UMN

Dairy Breed, Grass-Birdsfoot Trefoil Mixture, and Pasture Nutrition Effects on Intake, Feed Efficiency and Grazing Adaptation, Michael Greenland, Utah State University

Dairy Fat--What's In It For The Consumer?, Jana Kraft, University of Vermont

Economics of Grazing Organic Replacement Dairy Heifers, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, Utah State University

Economics of Organic Dairy Farming, Bob Parsons, University of Vermont

The Economics of Organic Dairy Farming in New England, Bob Parsons, University of Vermont

Effect of Growth, Meat Quality, Profitability, and Consumer Acceptability of Organically Raised Dairy-Beef Steers, Bradley Heins, University of Minnesota. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Effects of Different Organic Pastures on Dairy Heifer Growth and Development, Jake Hadfield, Utah State University Extension

Enhanced Forage Intake and Milk Production on Birdsfoot Trefoil Pastures in the Western US. Jennifer MacAdam, Utah State University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Evaluating Sprouted Grains on Grazing Dairy Farms, Kathy Soder, USDA ARS

Factors Affecting Bacterial Spores in Organic Tank Milk, Nicole Martin, Cornell

Feeding Annual Forage Crops to Organic Dairy Cows, Kelsey Juntwait, UNH. Recorded at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Fly Management in the Organic Dairy Pasture, Donald Rutz, J. Keith Waldron, New York State IPM Program

Forage Legumes in Pasture and Successful Inter-seeding, Mike Peel, USDA ARS Logan, UT

Grass-Fed Dairy From Farm to Glass: Understanding the Aroma and Taste of Grass-Fed Milk, Roy Desrochers, University of Vermont Extension

Grass-Fed Dairy: Opportunities and Challeges in this Rapidly Growing Market, Heather Darby, UVM; Sarah Flack, Sarah Flack Consulting

Grass-fed Dairy Research Roundup, Kleves Vieira de Almeida, University of New Hampshire; Miriam Snider, University of Vermont

Grazing Systems and Forage Quality of Grasses for Organic Dairy Production, Brad Heins, University of Minnesota

Healthy Soils for a Healthy Organic Dairy Farm -- Broadcast from 2011 NOFA-NY Organic Dairy Conference, Heather Darby, University of Vermont, Cindy Daley, University of California, Chico

How to Calculate Pasture Dry Matter Intake on Your Organic Dairy Farm, Sarah Flack, Sarah Flack Consulting

Improving Forage Quality to Maximize Organic Dairy Systems, Heather Darby, UVM. Recorded at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Introducing Brassicas into the Organic Dairy Pasture, Fay Benson, Cornell Cooperative Extension

It All Starts on the Farm: Raw Milk Parameters that Impact Pasteurized Dairy Product Quality, Nicole Martin, Cornell University

Learning from Our Observations of Pastures & Livestock: Preventing Pasture Problems on the Organic Dairy, Sarah Flack, Sarah Flack Consulting

Mastitis in first-lactation organic dairy cows, Felipe Pena Mosca, Noelle Noyes, Luciano Caixeta, University of Minnesota; Vinicius Machado, Texas Tech University

Mastitis Management on Your Organic Dairy, Guy Jodarski, DVM

Maximizing Dry Matter Intake on Your Organic Dairy Farm, Karen Hoffman, USDA-NRCS

The Microbiome: What is it and How Might it Impact Organic Dairy Production?, NIFA OREI research team led by Noelle Noyes, University of Minnesota, 2020

Milk Fatty Acids in Organic and Grassfed Dairy Production, Elle Andreen, USDA-ARS, University Park, PA

Molasses as the Primary Source of Energy for Grazing Dairy Cows, Kathy Soder, USDA-ARS

NRCS EQIP Organic Initiative and Organic Dairy Farms, Sarah Brown, Oregon Tilth, Kevin Kaija, USDA NRCS

Organic Dairy for the Next Generation. Heather Darby, University of Vermont. Broadcast from the USDA Organic Farming Systems Conference 2011.

Organic Dairy Forages: Focus on Summer Annuals, Heather Darby, University of Vermont.

Organic Dairy Systems Summit: Steve Smith, NIFA; Sarah Flicken, NOFA-NY, Ryan Coory, Mercaris and more producers, processors and retailers. Organized by Rachel Evanowski, Nicole Martens and Martin Wiedmann of Cornell University.

Organic Grass Fed Dairy: Demographics, Management, and Cost of Production, Heather Darby, University of Vermont; Sarah Flack, Sarah Flack Consulting

Organic Grass-Fed Dairy Standards, Heather Darby, UVM; Sarah Flack, Sarah Flack Consulting, Jay Friedman, Organic Plus Trust; Rachel Prickett, EarthClaims

Organic Weed Management on Livestock Pastures, Sid Bosworth, University of Vermont

Pasture Mixes to Improve the Sustainability of Pasture-based Organic Dairy: Nutrient Quality and Dry Matter Intake, Blair Waldron, USDA ARS, Logan UT

Setting up a Grazing System on Your Organic Dairy Farm, Sarah Flack, Sarah Flack Consulting

Shades of Green Dairy Farm Calculator, Charles Benbrook, The Organic Center

Stockpiling Forages to Extend the Grazing Season on Your Organic Dairy, Laura Paine, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Supplementing the Organic Dairy Cow Diet: Results of Molasses and Flaxseed Feeding Trials, Kathy Soder, USDA-ARS

Supplementing the Organic Dairy Cow Diet with Flaxseed, Andre Brito, University of New Hampshire, Heather Darby, University of Vermont

Transitioning Organic Dairy Cows off and on Pasture, Rick Kersbergen, University of Maine

Unique Fly Control Methods for Organic Dairy Production, Brad Heins and Roger Moon, University of Minnesota

Using Small Grains as Forages on Your Organic Dairy, Heather Darby, University of Vermont Extension

Your Organic Dairy Herd Health Toolbox, Hubert Karreman, Penn Dutch Cow Care

Disease Management

A Novel Strategy for Soil-borne Disease Management: Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD), Carol Shennan, UCSC, David Butler, University of Tennessee

Advances in Biosolarization Technology to Improve Soil Health and Organic Control of Soilborne Pests. James Stapleton, UC Kearney Ag Research and Extension Center. Recorded at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016.

Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation: A Biological Approach to Manage Specialty Crop Soilborne Pests and Pathogens, Francesco Di Gioia, Pennsylvania State University; Erin Rosskopf, USDA ARS, 2023

Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation to Control Soil Borne Pathogens: Current Research Findings and On-farm Implementation, Carol Shennan and Joji Muramoto, University of California Santa Cruz

Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation: Selecting the Right Carbon Source and Application Rate, Francesco Di Gioia, Penn State University, Nan Xu and Xin Zhao, University of Florida, 2024

Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation with the Use of Cover Crops as Carbon Source, Francesco Di Gioia, Kathleen Arrington, Penn State University, 2024

Biocontrol in Fire Blight: Why a Yeast Represents a New Paradigm in Disease Suppression. Ken Johnson, Oregon State University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Deploying Microbes as a Seed Treatment for Protection against Soilborne Plant Pathogens. Eric Carr, Rodale Institute. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Grafting for Disease Management in Organic Tomato Production, Frank Louws North Carolina State University Cary Rivard, Kansas State University

Grafting Tomatoes for Organic Open Field and High Tunnel Production, David Francis, Ohio State

Integrated Clubroot Management for Brassica Crops, Aaron Heinrich and Ale Stone, Oregon State University

Late Blight Control in Your Organic Garden, Meg McGrath, Cornell

Late Blight Control on Organic Farms 2010 Webinar Meg McGrath, Cornell; Sally Miller, Ohio State

Late Blight of Tomato and Potato: Recent Occurrences and Management Experiences, Margaret T. McGrath, Chris Smart, Beth Gugino, Amanda Gevens, Pamela Roberts

Late Blight Webinar 2009, Sally Miller, Ohio State; Meg McGrath, Cornell: Alex Stone, Oregon State

Linking Cover Crops, Plant Pathogens, and Disease Control in Organic Tomatoes, Brian McSpadden-Gardener, Ohio State

Managing Cucurbit Downy Mildew in Organic Systems in the Northeast, Christine Smart, Cornell University

Non-Antibiotic Control of Fire Blight: What Works As We Head Into a New Era. Ken Johnson, Oregon State University, Rachel Elkins, UC Extension, Tim Smith, WSU Extension. 

On-farm Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for the Management of Soilborne Pathogens in High Tunnel Production Systems, Francesco di Gioia, Caterina Roman, Pennsylvania State University

Organic Methods for Control of Insect Pests and Diseases of Pecan and Peach, David Shapiro-Ilan, Clive Bock, USDA ARS

Organic Tomato Foliar Pathogen IPM Webinar, Dan Egel, Lori Hoagland and Amit-Kum Jaiswal, Purdue University. 2018

Use of High Glucosinolate Mustard as an Organic Biofumigant in Vegetable Crops, Heather Darby and Abha Gupta, University of Vermont Extension; Katie Campbell-Nelson, University of Massachusetts

Using Biofungicides, Biostimulants and Biofertilizers to Boost Crop Productivity and Help Manage Vegetable Diseases, Giuseppe Colla, Tuscia University; Mariateresa Cardarelli, Italian Ministry of Agriculture; Dan Egel, Laurie Hogland, Purdue University

Using Contans (Coniothyrium minitans) for White Mold Management on Organic Farms Webinar, Alex Stone, Oregon State University

Viral Diseases in Cucurbits: Identification and Management Strategies, John Murphy, Auburn University

Extension and Education

Be my friend: Utilizing social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to engage and interact with your audience, Debra Heleba, University of Vermont Extension; Debbie Roos, North Carolina State University Extension

Effective Presentations: How to Develop and Deliver a Farmer-Friendly Talk, Seth Wilner, University of New Hampshire

Excellence in Organic Extension Webinar Series

How am I doing: Improving your program by evaluating your extension program with feedback and follow-up, Seth Wilner, University of New Hampshire; Anu Rangarajan, Cornell University

Innovative Approaches to Extension in Organic and Sustainable Agriculture. Bruna Irene Grimberg, Fabian Menalled and Mary Burrows, Montana State University

New Modules for Teaching Undergrad Students about Organic Agriculture, Randa Jabbour University of Wyoming

Out in the sun: How to plan and put on an engaging, informative and successful field day, Charlie White, PSU, Molly Hamilton, NCSU

Food Safety

Food Safety in Organic Leafy Greens, Sadhana Ravishankar, University of Arizona

Food Safety in Organic Poultry, Sandra Diaz Lopez, Irene Hanning-Jarquin

Good Sense Food Safety Practices on Organic Vegetable Farms, Chris Blanchard, Purple Pitchfork

Impacts of the Food Safety Modernization Act on Diversified Organic Vegetable Farms, Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin

Microbial Food Safety Issues of Organic Foods, Francisco Diez-Gonzalez, University of Minnesota

Tracking Your Produce for Your Business and Health, Colleen Collier Bess, Michigan Dept of Agriculture

Fruit Production

Design and Management of Organic Strawberry/Vegetable Rotations, Carol Shennan and Joji Muramoto, UCSC

Evaluating Organic Inputs for Improving Soil Health in Blueberry Systems, Shikha Singh, Oregon State University

Fire Blight Control in Organic Pome Fruit Systems Under the Proposed Non-antibiotic Standard, Ken Johnson, Oregon State

Melon Medley: Organic Production Practices, Microbial Safety and Consumer Preferences of various Melon Varieties, Shirley Micallef, Kathryne Everts, University of Maryland

Nitrogen Management in Organic Strawberries: Challenges and Approaches, Mark Gaskell, UC Extension; Carol Shennan and Joji Muramoto, UCSC

Non-Antibiotic Control of Fire Blight: What Works As We Head Into a New Era. Ken Johnson, Oregon State University, Rachel Elkins, UC Extension, Tim Smith, WSU Extension. 

The OrganicA Project: Current Research on Organic Production of Ginger Gold, Honeycrisp, Zestar!, Macoun, and Liberty Apples, Lorraine Berkett, University of Vermont

Organic Blackberry Production: Tips Learned from an Ongoing Research Study, Bernadine Strik, Luis Valenzuela, Oregon State University; David Bryla, USDA-ARS

Organic Blueberry Production, Bernadine Strik, Handell Larco, Oregon State University, David Bryla, USDA-ARS.

Organic Fruit Production Research. Bernadine Strik, Oregon State University, Broadcast from USDA Organic Farming Systems Conference, 2011. Broadcast from the International Organic Fruit Symposium, 2012

Organic Methods for Control of Insect Pests and Diseases of Pecan and Peach, David Shapiro-Ilan, Clive Bock, USDA-ARS

Research Update on Non-antibiotic Control of Fire Blight, Ken Johnson, Oregon State; Rachel Elkins, UC Cooperative Extension; Tim Smith, WSU Cooperative Extension

Soil Health Improvement in an Organic Orchard Production System in Northwest Missouri, Robert Kremer, USDA ARS

Transition to Organic Fruit Production - Impacts on Yield and Environmental Performance in a Muscadine Vineyard. Girish K. Panicker, Director, Center for Conservation Research, Alcorn State University, Broadcast from USDA Organic Systems Conference 2011.

Undercover Nutrient Investigation: The Effects of Mulch on Nutrients for Blueberry, Dan Sullivan, Ryan Costello, Luis Valenzuela, Oregon State

2nd International Organic Fruit Symposium Broadcasts, 2012

Grain Production (includes quinoa)

The "Ancient" Grains Emmer, Einkorn and Spelt: What We Know and What We Need to Find Out Frank Kutka, NPSAS, Steve Zwinger, NDSU, Julie Dawson, Cornell, June Russell, Greenmarket/GrowNYC

Baking evaluation, sensory analysis, and nutritional characteristics of modern, heritage, and ancient wheat varieties. Lisa Kissing Kucek, Cornell; Abdullah Jaradat, USDA ARS; Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin

Barley Fodder Feeding for Organic Dairies, John Stoltzfus, Be-A-Blessing Organic Dairy, Fay Benson, Cornell University

Breeding Multi-use Naked Barley for Organic Systems, Bridgid Meints, Oregon State University

Compost Carryover Effects on Soil Quality and Productivity in Organic Dryland Wheat. Earl Creech and Jennifer Reeve, Utah State University

Crop Rotation, Cultivation and Weed Control in Row Crops, Klaas and Mary-Howell Martens, Broadcast from the NOFA-NY Organic Dairy and Field Crop Conference, November 4, 2011

Dehulling Ancient Grains, Frank Kutka, NPSAS; Brian Baker; Nigel Tudor, Weatherbury Farm; Elizabeth Dyck, OGRIN

Descriptive Sensory Analysis: The key to understanding the quality of wheat sourdough bread, Roy Desrochers, University of Vermont Extension

Dryland Organic Agriculture Symposium from the Washington Tilth Conference 2011, Broadcast from the NOFA-NY Organic Dairy and Field Crop Conference, November 4, 2011

Food Functionality of Naked Barley, Jordyn Bunting, Oregon State University

Grains Week! 2021

Growing and Marketing Food-grade Grains, Elizabeth Dyck, OGRIN; Thor Oechsner, Oechsner Farm

Heritage and Ancient Wheat: Varietal Performance and Managment, Michael Davis, Cornell University; Steve Zwinger, NDSU

How can Organic, non-GMO and GMO Crops Coexist? Live Broadcast, Lynn Clarkson, Clarkson Grain

How Organic Farming Practices Affect the Soil Microbiome, Elias Bloom and Zoe Economos, Cornell University; Zaid Kurdieh, Norwich Meadows Farm; Jason Grauer and Jack Algiere, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture

Impact of Grain Farming Methods on Climate Change, Michel Cavigelli, USDA-ARS

International Quinoa Research Symposium Broadcast, Various

Malting and Brewing with Organic Naked Barley, Brigid Meints, Oregon State University

Management for High-Quality Organic Wheat and Ancient Grain Production in the Northeast, David Benscher, Cornell, Greg Roth, Penn State, Elizabeth Dyck, OGRIN

Marketing Value-added Grains for Local and Regional Food Systems, June Russell, Glynwood Center for Food and Farming Systems, AmberLambke, Maine Grains

Nutrient Density in Grain Crops, Kevin Engelbert, Engelbert Farms LLC; Orin Moyer, Fertrell Company; Margaret Smith, Cornell University. Broadcast at the NOFA-NY Organic Dairy and Field Crop Conference on Nov 4, 2011

OGRAIN Compass: A tool to help farmers assess the financial impact of converting to organic grain productionJohn Hendrickson, University of Wisconsin; Jim Munsch, Deer Run Farm

Organic Grains. Ellen Mallory, University of Maine. Broadcast from USDA Organic Farming Systems Conference, 2011.

Organic Quinoa Production in the Pacific Northwest, Kevin Murphy, WSU

Organic Weed Management in Organic Grain Cropping Systems, Chris Reberg Horton, NCSU

Participatory Breeding of Wheat, Spelt, Emmer and Einkorn for Organic Farming, Lisa Kissing Kucek, Cornell University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Progress on Organic Naked Barley Breeding, Exploration of Organic Breeding Traits, Karl Kunze, Cornell University

Soil Fertility Management in Organic Grain Cropping Systems, John Spargo, University of Massachusetts. Broadcast from Carolina Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference, 2012.

Soil Fertility Management in Organic Wheat Production, John Spargo, University of Massachusetts. Broadcast from Carolina Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference, 2012.

Using Small Grains as Forages on Your Organic Dairy, Heather Darby, University of Vermont Extension

Wheat Mycotoxins in Organic Grain Systems, Christina Cowger, USDA-ARS and NCSU. Broadcast from the Carolina Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference, 2012.

Wheat Varietal Selection for Organic Grains in North Carolina, Chris Reberg Horton, NCSU. Broadcast from the Carolina Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference, 2012.

Working With Local Organic Grains, Stefan Senders, Wide Awake Bakery; Peter Endriss, Runner & Stone Bakery and Restaurant; Dan Avery, Dakota Earth Bakery; Steve Gonzalez, Sfoglini Pasta Shop

Hops Production

Starting Up Small-Scale Organic Hops Production, Rob Sirrine, Michigan State University, Brian Tennis, Michigan Hop Alliance

Insect Management, Beneficial Insects and Pollinators

Biologically Based Organic Management Strategies for Spotted Wing Drosophila, Vaughn Walton, Oregon State University; Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University; Hannah Burrack, North Carolina State University

Biological Control of Whiteflies in Squash, Oscar Liburd and Lorena Lopez, University of Florida

Biological Control Options in Organic Vegetable Production, JC Chong, Clemson University.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Anne Nielsen, Rutgers University

Building Pest-Suppressive Organic Farms: Tools and Strategies Used by Five Long-Term Organic Farms, Helen Atthowe and Carl Rosato, Woodleaf Farm

Compatibility of Selected OMRI-listed Insecticides and Fungicides with Biological Control, JC Chong, Clemson, University

Diversity by Design: Using Trap Crops to Control the Cruciferous Flea Beetle, Joyce Parker, EPA

Ecological Farm Design for Pest Management In Organic Vegetable Production: Successes and Challenges on Two Farms, Helen Atthowe

Effects of Climate Change on Insect Communities in Organic Farming Systems, David Crowder, WSU

Effects of the predatory mite, Amblyseius swirskii and its biproducts on whitefly Bemisia tabaci population, Oscar Liburd, University of Florida

Farming for Native Bees, Sara Leon Guerrero, UC Berkeley. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Fly Management in the Organic Dairy Pasture, Donald Rutz, J. Keith Waldron, New York State IPM Program

How to manage spider mites in tomatoes with predatory mites, Tom Bilbo, Clemson University; James Walgenbach, North Carolina State University

Incorporating Biological Control of Spider Mites into Tomato Pest Management Programs, Jim Walgenbach and Tom Bilbo, NC State University

Insect-vectored Viruses and Their Management in Vegetables, Babu Srinivasan, Bhabesh Dutta and Timothy Coolong, University of Georgia

An Integrated Approach to Managing Yellowmargined Leaf Beetle in Crucifer Crops. Rammohan Balusu, Ayanava Majumdar, Auburn University; Elena Rhodes, University of Florida

Integrated Pest Management in Organic Field Crops, Eileen Cullen. Robin Mittenthal, University of Wisconsin, Christine Mason, Standard Process Farm

Integrating Classical Biological Control for Spotted-wing Drosophila, Philip Fanning, Ben Johnson, University of Maine; James Brown, UC Berkeley; Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Rutgers University

IPM in Crucifer Crops: Focus on the Yellow-margined Leaf Beetle, Rammohan Balusu and Ayanava Majumdar, Auburn University; Ron Cave, University of Florida

Live Broadcast from Fly Management on Your Organic Dairy Workshop, Roger Moon, University of Minnesota; J Keith Waldron, Cornell; Wes Watson, North Carolina State University

Managing Bad Stink Bugs Using Good Stink Bugs, Yong-Lak Park, West Virginia University

Management Options for Striped Cucumber Beetle in Organic Cucurbits, Abby Seaman and Jeffrey Gardner, Cornell University

Management of spotted wing drosophila using organically approved strategies: An update, NIFA OREI project research team led by Ash Sial, University of Georgia. 2018

Organic Honey Bee Management is Best for Bees and Beekeepers, Margarita López-Uribe, Robyn Underwood, Penn State University

Organic Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila 2020, NIFA OREI project research team led by Ash Sial, University of Georgia

Organic Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila 2021 Webinar Ash Sial, University of Georgia and team

Organic Methods for Control of Insect Pests and Diseases of Pecan and Peach, David Shapiro-Ilan, Clive Bock, USDA-ARS

Natural Enemies and Biological Control of Lepidopteran Brassica Pests in Urban Agriculture, David Lowenstein, University of Illinois at Chicago. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Predatory mite as a biocontrol agent for the management of insect-transmitted viruses in vegetable production, Rajagopalbabu Srinivasan, University of Georgia

Promoting Native Bee Pollinators in Organic Farming Systems. David Crowder and Elias Bloom, Washington State University

Providing Habitat for Wild Bees on Organic Farms, Elias Bloom and Rachel Olsson, Washington State University; Bridget McNassar, Oxbow Farm

Recent Advances in Organic Pest Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila, Jana Lee, USDA ARS, Kent Daane, UC Berkeley, Philip Fanning, University of Maine, Ash Sial, University of Georgia, 2024

Scouting for Vegetable and Fruit Pests on Organic Farms, Helen Atthowe and Doug O'Brien

Stink Bug Management with Trap Crops, Russell Mizell, University of Florida

Systems Organic Management Suppresses Cabbageworm Outbreaks: Evidence from 4 Long-term Organic Farms, Jake Asplund, Washington State University; Doug O'Brien, Doug O'Brien Agricultural Consulting

Trap Cropping in Organic Strawberries to Manage Lygus Bugs in California, by Diego Nieto, University of California Santa Cruz

Understanding and Improving Honey Bee Nutrition for Sustainable Crop
Pollination and Apiculture,
Ramesh Sagili, Oregon State University

Unique Fly Control Methods for Organic Dairy Production, Brad Heins, University of Minnesota

Wild Bee Monitoring, Education, and Outreach in Organic Farming Systems, Elias Bloom, WSU; Rosy Smit, Camp Korey

Livestock Production

A novel nutritional approach to rearing organic pastured broiler chickens (Part 1), Mike Lilburn, The Ohio State University

A Novel Nutritional Approach to Rearing Organic Pastured Broiler Chickens (Part 2), Mike Lilburn, The Ohio State University

Connections between Biodiversity and Livestock Well-Being, Juan Alvez UVM

Dryland Organic Agriculture Symposium from the Washington Tilth Conference 2011

Effect of Growth, Meat Quality, Profitability, and Consumer Acceptability of Organically Raised Dairy-Beef Steers, Bradley Heins, University of Minnesota. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Integrating Livestock into Dryland Organic Crop Rotations, Lynne Carpenter Boggs, Jonathan Wachter, Washington State University

Livestock Mortality Composting, Lynne Carpenter Boggs, Washington State University

Measurement of Biomarkers in Food Animals to Assess Animal Inflammation and Wellness, David Bane, DVM, Sydney, IL. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Organic Poultry: Developing Natural Solutions for Reducing Pathogens and Improving Production, Annie Donoghue, USDA ARS. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Reducing Feed Costs in Organic Pig Production, Yuzhi Li, University of Minnesota

Targeted Sheep Grazing in Organic Dryland Systems, Fabian Menalled, Devon Ragen, Perry Miller, Montana State University

Third Party Audits for Small and Medium Sized Meat Processors, Jim Riddle, Joe McCommons, Arion Thiboumery, and Erin Lohmann

Marketing and Economics

CSA Farmer's Guide to Accepting SNAP/EBT Payments, Bryan Allan, Friends of Zenger Farm

Developing Organic Crop Budgets for Producers Moving to Organic Production, Gregg Ibendahl, Kansas State University

Dryland Organic Agriculture Symposium from the Washington Tilth Conference 2011

Export Opportunities and Import Competition: Improving Understanding of International Markets for US Organic Farm and Processed Products, Kathryn Boys, Virginia Tech. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Hail Can Happen! Insurance Options for Organic Farms, Michael Stein, OFRF

How can Organic, non-GMO and GMO Crops Coexist? Live Broadcast, Lynn Clarkson, Clarkson Grain. Broadcast live from the 2013 Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism and Organic Conference

Local Dirt: Beyond Marketing. Find Buyers, Sell Online, Source & Buy Product…Yourself, Heather Hilleren, Kassie Rizzo, Local Dirt

Lower Financial Risk by Increasing Soil Health, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming

Marketing Value-added Grains for Local and Regional Food Systems, June Russell, Glynwood Center for Food and Farming Systems, AmberLambke, Maine Grains

North Carolina's Statewide Initiative for Building a Local Food Economy, Nancy Creamer, Teisha Wymore, North Carolina State University

The Organic-Conventional Yield Gap, Carolyn Dimitri, New York University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Organic Farming Financial Benchmarks, Dale Nordquist, UMN

Plan for Marketing Your Organic Products, Susan Smalley, MSU

Planning Your Organic Farm for Profit, Richard Wiswall, Cate Farm

Updates on Organic Crop Insurance Options for 2020-2021, Haley Baron, Mark Schonbeck Mark Lipson, Organic Farming Research Foundation

Veggie Compass: Whole Farm Profit Management, Erin Silva, Rebecca Claypool, University of Wisconsin

Why Eat Organic: Live Broadcast from the Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism and Organic Conference, Jim Riddle, University of Minnesota

Research and Research Methods

Assessment of Future Organic Research Needs, Diana Jerkins, OFRF. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

A Certified Organic Winter Nursery for Corn Breeding, Bryan Brunner, University of Puerto Rico, Kevin Montgomery, Paul Scott, USDA ARS

The Benefits of Organic Agriculture. Charles Benbrook. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Collaboration between Farmers, Extension Agents, Wholesalers and Consumers, Aurelie Cardona, French National Institute for Agricultural Research. Broadcast from the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Conducting On-Farm Variety Trials to Manage Risk for Organic and Specialty Crop Producers 2 Part Webinar. Micaela colley, Jared Zystro, Kitt Healy, Organic Seed Alliance; Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin Madison

European and North American Organic Agriculture Research Policies, Brian Baker, Belcairn Concerns. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Getting Started with Barcode Based Digital Data Collection for Vegetable Breeding Programs. Michael Mazourek, Cornell University

Integrating Undergraduate Interns in Organic Farming Research and Beginner Farmer Programming at UCSC, Damien Parr, UCSC. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Long-Term Research in Organic Systems at Russell Ranch, Amelie Gaudin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015: Selected Live Broadcasts (see topic headings to find recordings)

Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016: Selected Recordings (see topic headings to find recordings)

On-Farm Testing: Finding What Works for Your Farm, Diana Roberts, WSU Extension from the Dryland Organic Agriculture Symposium at the Washington Tilth Conference, 2011

Organic Farming in France, Marc Tchamitchian, French National Institute for Agricultural Research. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research symposium 2015

Organic Farming Systems Research at the University of Nebraska, by Elizabeth Sarno, Charles Shapiro, Richard Little, Vicki Schlegel and Jim Brandle, University of Nebraska.

Organics in 3D: Diversity, Dynamics and Design of Organic Agriculture. Stephane Bellon, French National Institute for Agricultural Research. Broadcast from the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Participatory On-farm Research: Beyond the Randomized Complete Block Design, Sieg Snapp, MSU

Taking Stock of Organic Research Investments 2002-2014, Joanna Ory, Diana Jerkins, Mark Schonbeck, Organic Farming Research Foundation

UC Berkeley Urban Agroecology Survey and Assessment Tool, Joshua Arnold, UC Berkeley. Presented at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

USDA NIFA Support for Organic Agriculture Research, Education and Extension, Matthieu Ngouajio, USDA NIFA, Organic Agriculture Research Symposium, 2016

Using Participatory Variety Trials to Assess Response to Environment in Organic Vegetable Crops, Alex Lyon, University of Wisconsin

The Vital Role of Research to Advance Organic Agriculture Worldwide, Andre Leu, IFOAM Organics International, Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

The Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial: 26 Years of Research in Agricultural Sustainability. Randy Jackson, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Seed Production and Breeding

Breeding Hard Winter Wheat for Organic Markets, Richard Little, University of Nebraska. From Organic Farming Research at the University of Nebraska Webinar.

Breeding Carrots for Production, Resilience, Flavor and Fun in Organic Systems,Laurie McKenzie and Micaela Colley, Organic Seed Alliance; Philipp Simon, USDA ARS; Solveig Hanson, University of British Columbia

Breeding Efforts and Cover Crop Choices for Improved Organic Dry Bean Production Systems in Michigan, Jim Heilig, Michigan State University

Breeding High Nutritional Value Corn for Organic Farmers. Walter Goldstein, Mandaamin Institute. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Building a healthy organic seed system for potatoes through farmer-researcher partnerships, Ruth Genger, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture. Phillip Simon, USDA ARS and University of Wisconsin; Lori Hoagland, Purdue; Philip Roberts, UC Riverside; Micaela Colley, Jared Zystro and Cathleen McCluskey, Organic Seed Alliance

A Certified Organic Winter Nursery for Corn Breeding, Bryan Brunner, University of Puerto Rico, Kevin Montgomery, Paul Scott, USDA ARS

Collaborative Release of an Organic Open-Pollinated Sweet Corn (Zea mays L.) Variety, Adrienne Shelton, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Conducting On-Farm Variety Trials to Manage Risk for Organic and Specialty Crop Producers 2-Part Webinar. Micaela colley, Jared Zystro, Kitt Healy, Organic Seed Alliance; Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin Madison. 2018

Corn Breeding for Organic Markets, Martin Bohn and Bill Davison, University of Illinois; Walter Goldstein, Mandaamin Institute

Getting Started with Barcode Based Digital Data Collection for Vegetable Breeding Programs. Michael Mazourek, Cornell University

Going Organic: Breeding Biofortified Field Pea and Sorghum, Dil Thavarajah, Rick Boyles, Ben Dubard and Tristan Lawrence, Clemson University

Growing Organic Tomato Seed: A Virtual How-to Training, Laurie McKenzie and Jared Zystro, Organic Seed Alliance; Dan Egel, Purdue University

How to Breed for Organic Production Systems, Jim Myers, Oregon State

Hybrid, Double Cross and Open-pollinated Corn: What does it all mean? Margaret Smith, Cornell; Richard Pratt, New Mexico State University

The CIOA (Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture) Project: Location and Genetic Background Influence Carrot Field Performance and Flavor, Philipp Simon, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Organic Dry Pea and Lentil Adaptation to South Carolina for Plant-based Protein Production , Dil Thavarajah, Clemson University

Organicology 2015 Seed Intensive Workshop:

Organic Seed Grower's Conference 2012, Port Townsend Washington: Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2014: Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2016: Live Broadcasts and Recordings

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2018: Seed Economics Intensive and Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2020: Selected Live Broadcasts

Organic Seed Growers Conference 2022: Selected Recordings

Organic Seed Breeding for Nutrition, Philipp Simon, University of Wisconsin; Walter Goldstein, Mandaamin Institute; Jim Myers, Oregon State; Micaela Colley, Organic Seed Alliance

Organic Seed Production Six Webinar Series, Organic Seed Alliance and MESA

Organic Tomato Seed Production. Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Dan Egel, Purdue University; Laurie McKenzie, Organic Seed Alliance.

Participatory Breeding of Wheat, Spelt, Emmer and Einkorn for Organic Farming, Lisa Kissing Kucek, Cornell University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Plant Genetics: Plant Breeding and Variety Selection, Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming; Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Pollen Drift: Reframing the Biotechnology Liability Debate. Lisa Schlessinger, University of Illinois. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Practical Training for On-Farm and Collaborative Plant Breeding, 2023

A Public Plant Breeding Program to Develop Organic Cultivars, Charlie Brummer, UC Davis. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Seed Needs and Challenges: Interviews with Wisconsin Organic Vegetable Growers (aka Workhorse Varieties for Organic Farms). Alexandra Lyon. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Seed Potato Production and Breeding in Organic Systems, Rue Genger, University of Wisconsin

Selecting "Modern" Heirloom Dry Beans, Thomas Michaels, University of Mineesota

Sourcing Organic Seed Just Got Easier: An Introduction to Organic Seed Finder, Chet Boruff, AOSCA, Kristina Hubbard, Organic Seed Alliance

State of Organic Seed: Results of a Survey. Jared Zystro, Organic Seed Alliance. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

State of Organic Seed, Jared Zystro, Organic seed Alliance. Recorded at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

State of Organic Seed, 2022, Kiki Hubbard, Jared Zystro, Organic Seed Alliance

Tomato Varietal Improvement, Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin; Lori Hoagland and Dan Egel, Purdue; James Myers and Kara Young, Oregon State University; Laurie McKenzie and Jared Zystro, Organic Seed Alliance

Tomato Variety Trials for Direct Market Quality and Flavor, Kit Healy, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Understanding the National Organic Program Seed Rule and Sourcing Organic Seed, Kristina Hubbard, Organic Seed Alliance; Emily Brown Rosen, USDA NOP, Zea Sonnabend, CCOF and NOSB, Cullen Carns-Hilliker, MOSA

Updates from the NCSU Organic Cropping Systems Program and Growing Canola, Chris Reberg-Horton, NCSU. Broadcast from the Carolina Livestock and Organic Commodities Conference, 2012.

Using Participatory Variety Trials to Assess Response to Environment in Organic Vegetable Crops, Alex Lyon, University of Wisconsin

Using the eOrganic Organic Seed Production Tutorials, Jared Zystro, Organic Seed Alliance

Soil and Tillage

A Novel Strategy for Soil-borne Disease Management: Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD), Carol Shennan, UCSC; David Butler, University of Tennessee

Assessing Nitrogen Contribution and Rhizobia Diversity Associated with Winter Legume Cover Crops in Organic Systems, Julie Grossman, NCSU

Building Organic Matter for Healthy Soils: An Overview. Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck VA Association for Biological Farming, Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Combining Soil Amendments and Varietal Development to Prevent Pathogens and Heavy Metal Uptake, Dr. Lori Hoagland, Purdue University

Design And Management Strategies for Regenerating Healthy Soils Through Urban Agriculture, Dr. John Taylor, University of Rhode Island

Organic Farming and Soil Health in the Western U.S. Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, OFRF

The Evolution, Status, and Future of Organic No-Till in the Northeast US, Bill Curran, Penn State, Steven Mirsky, USDA, Bill Mason, Mason's Heritage Farms

Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Contribution from Cover Crops, Nick Andrews, Dan Sullivan, Oregon State

Exploring Behaviors and Interventions to Reduce Soil Contaminant Exposure Among Community Gardeners and Farmers, Dr. Candis Hunter, U.S. Public Health Service

Increasing Plant and Soil Biodiversity on Organic Farmscapes, Louis Jackson, UC Davis

Increased Microbial Efficiency and Growth Drive Soil Organic Matter Increases in Organic Cropping Systems. Stuart Grandy. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Long-term Tillage, Rotation and Perennialization Effects on Particulate and Aggregate Matter. Anna Cates, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Lower Financial Risk by Increasing Soil Health, Mark Schonbeck, OFRF

Nutrient Management in Organic Systems, by Charles Shapiro, from Organic Farming Systems Research at the University of Nebraska Webinar.

Nutrient Management for Crops, Soil and the Envivronment, Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming, Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Organic Agriculture Research Symposium Selected Live Broadcasts, various

Organicology 2015: Selected Live Broadcasts, Crop Rotation and Soil Health Workshops

Organic Growing Media: How Can it Affect the Health of my Transplants? Weijing Guan, Lori Hoagland, Petrus Langenhoven and Liz Maynard, Purdue University

Organic Soil Health Research Special Session at the Tri-Societies Conference 2017

Planning for Flexibility in Effective Crop Rotations, Chuck Mohler, Cornell

Practical Conservation Tillage, Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck VA Association for Biological Farming, Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Putting the Pieces Together: Lessons Learned from a Reduced-Tillage Organic Cropping Systems Project, William Curran, Ron Hoover, John Wallace

Reduced Tillage in Organic Vegetable Production: Successes, Challenges, and New Directions, Helen Atthowe

Reducing Production Risks through Organic Soil Health Practices for the South. Mark Schonbeck, Organic Farming Research Foundation; Emily Oakley, Three Springs Farm, Rose, OK.

Researcher and Farmer Innovation to Increase Nitrogen Cycling on Organic Farms, by Louise Jackson and Tim Bowles

Root Media and Fertility Management for Organic Transplants, John Biernbaum, MSU

Rotational No-till and Mulching Systems for Organic Vegetable Farms, Jan-Hendrik Cropp, Under_Cover Consulting

Soil Biology for the Western Region: Organic Practices to Recruit and Nurture Beneficial Biota in the Soil (Organic Farming and Soil Health in the Western U.S. Webinar Series), Mark Schonbeck, Organic Farming Research Foundation

Soil Fertility Management in Organic Grain Cropping Systems, John Spargo, University of Massachusetts. Broadcast from Carolina Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference, 2012.

Soil Fertility Management in Organic Wheat Production, John Spargo, University of Massachusetts. Broadcast from Carolina Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference, 2012.

Soil Health Improvement in an Organic Orchard Production System in Northwest Missouri, Robert Kremer, USDA ARS

Testing Soils for Heavy Metals and Developing Effective Remediation Strategies, Dr. Anna Paltseva, University of Louisiana

Trends in Soilborne Disease Incidence on Two Long-Term Organic Vegetable Farms. Doug O'Brien, O'Brien Consulting. Recorded at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2016

Undercover Nutrient Investigation: The Effects of Mulch on Nutrients for Blueberry, Dan Sullivan, Ryan Costello, Luis Valenzuela, Oregon State

Understanding and Managing Soil Biology for Soil Health and Crop Production. Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming, Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Understanding Laboratory Soil Health Tests: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?, Dr. Roland Wilhelm, Purdue University

Using Biofungicides, Biostimulants and Biofertilizers to Boost Crop Productivity and Help Manage Vegetable Diseases, Giuseppe Colla, Tuscia University; Mariateresa Cardarelli, Italian Ministry of Agriculture; Dan Egel, Laurie Hogland, Purdue University

Weed Management

Abrasive Weeding: Efficiency, Multifunctionality and Profitability, Sam Wortman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2018

Blasting the Competition Away: Air-propelled Abrasive Grits for Weed Management in Organic Grain and Vegetable Crops, Sam Wortman, University of Illinois; Sharon Clay and Daniel Humburg, University of South Dakota

Can we talk? Improving Weed Management Communication between Organic Farmers and Extension, Sarah Zwickle, The Ohio State University; Marleen Riemens, Wageningen University and Research Center, Netherlands

Cultivation and Seedbank Management for Improved Weed Control, Eric Gallandt, University of Maine

Electric Weeding in Organic Perennial Crops, Marcelo Moretti, Luisa Baccin, Oregon State University; Aleah Butler-Jones, Cornell University; Bradley Hanson, Tong Zhen, UC Davis

Integrated Management of Field Bindweed and Canada Thistle in Organic Cropping Systems, Patrick Carr, Tim Seipel, Jed Eberly, Montana State University

Organic Control of Field Bindweed in the Pacific Northwest, Marcelo Moretti, Jessica Green, Oregon State University

Organic Farming and Soil Health in the Western U.S. Webinar Series), Mark Schonbeck, OFRF

Management Affects the Weed Suppression Potential of Soil Microorganisms and Green Manures. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Reearch Symposium 2016

Organic Weed Management in Organic Grain Cropping Systems, Chris Reberg Horton,  NCSU, Broadcast from the Carolina Livestock and Organic Commodities Conference, 2012.

Organic Weed Management on Livestock Pastures, Sid Bosworth, University of Vermont

Using Cover Crops to Suppress Weeds in Northeast US Farming systems, William Curran, Penn State; Matthew Ryan, Cornell

Using Hydromulches for Weed Suppression and Yield Protection in Horticultural Crops, Lisa Wasko-DeVetter, Ben Weiss, Suzette Galinato, Washington State University; Waqas Ahmad, Greta Gramig, North Dakota State University

Vegetable Production

Adapting and Expanding High Tunnel Organic Vegetable Production, Xin Zhao, University of Florida

Breaking Bad Habits: Integrating Crop Diversity into High Tunnel Production Systems, Cary Rivard, Kansas State University

Breeding Efforts and Cover Crop Choices for Improved Organic Dry Bean Production Systems in Michigan, Jim Heilig, Michigan State University

Comparison of Labor Needs for Field Production, Harvest and Packing on Organic Diversified Vegetable Farms in the Upper Midwest. Rachel Weil, University of Wisconsin. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Design and Management of Organic Strawberry/Vegetable Rotations, Carol Shennan, UCSC

Electric Weeding in Organic Perennial Crops, Marcelo Moretti, Luisa Baccin, Oregon State University; Aleah Butler-Jones, Cornell University; Bradley Hanson, Tong Zhen, UC Davis

Evaluation of carrot (Daucus carota, L.) for traits related to early seedling establishment and canopy growth at different planting densities in organic systems. Sara Turner, Texas A&M University. Broadcast at the Organic Agriculture Research Symposium 2015

Grafting for Disease Management in Organic Tomato Production, Frank Louws North Carolina State University Cary Rivard, Kansas State University

Grafting Tomatoes for Organic Open Field and High Tunnel Production, David Francis, Ohio State

Growing Vegetables and Fruit without Irrigation in Northern California and the Maritime Pacific Northwest, Amy Garrett, Oregon State University; Jacques Neukom, Neukom Farm; Steve Peters, Seed Revolution Now

High Tunnel Production and Low Cost Tunnel Construction, Tim Coolong, University of Kentucky

Late Blight Control in Your Organic Garden, Meg McGrath, Cornell

Late Blight Control on Organic Farms 2010 Webinar Meg McGrath, Cornell; Sally Miller, Ohio State

Late Blight Webinar 2009, Sally Miller, Ohio State; Meg McGrath, Cornell: Alex Stone, Oregon State

Linking Cover Crops, Plant Pathogens, and Disease Control in Organic Tomatoes, Brian McSpadden-Gardener, Ohio State

Making and Using Compost Teas, Lynne Carpenter-Boggs and CeCe Crosby, Washington State University

Organic Agriculture Research Symposium Selected Live Broadcasts, various

Organic Dry Pea and Lentil Adaptation to South Carolina for Plant-based Protein Production, Dil Thavarajah, Clemson University

Organic Cropping Systems for Vegetable Production: Crop Nutrition and Environmental Effects. Kristian Thorup-Kristensen, Copenhagen University, Broadcast from USDA Organic Farming Systems Conference, 2011

Organic Dry Bean Production Systems and Cultivar Choices, Thomas Michaels, Craig Sheaffer, Hannah Swegarden and Claire Flavin, University of Minnesota

Permaculture on Organic Farms: The State of Play, Rafter Ferguson, Kevin Wolz, Ron Revord, University of Illinois

Radicchio Symposium Recordings, 2022. Organized by the Culinary Breeding Network. Recorded by eOrganic

Rotational No-till and Mulching Systems for Organic Vegetable Farms, Jan-Hendrik Cropp, Under_Cover Consulting

Using Participatory Variety Trials to Assess Response to Environment in Organic Vegetable Crops, Alex Lyon, University of Wisconsin

Weed Management: An Ecological Approach, Soil Health and Organic Farming Webinar Series, Mark Schonbeck, VA Association for Biological Farming; Diana Jerkins, OFRF

Published May 8, 2013

This is an eOrganic article and was reviewed for compliance with National Organic Program regulations by members of the eOrganic community. Always check with your organic certification agency before adopting new practices or using new materials. For more information, refer to eOrganic's articles on organic certification.