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About the Webinar
Long term systems trials provide a wealth of data on the impacts of production management on crop performance and the agroecosystem. In this webinar, Dr. Erin Silva will discuss 20+ years of data from the Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial, focusing on yield, economic, and soil quality data from the organic treatments. Impacts of recent flooding and drought events on organic performance will be included, as well as lessons from the data as it relates to refining the organic production system for long-term sustainability.
Handout of the slides for this webinar
Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial Project Website
Carbon sequestration data from the UC Davis Agricultural Sustainability Institute
About the Presenter
Dr. Silva is the Organic Production Scientist and the Associate Director of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research and outreach program focuses on no-till organic production, cost-of-production determination for diversified vegetable growers, and variety selection for organic growers.
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