About the Webinar
In this webinar, recorded on March 20, 2012, Alex Stone of Oregon State University gives an overview of the research on the use of cover crops in vegetable cropping systems to suppress soil borne fungal diseases. Alex Stone is a Vegetable Cropping Systems Specialist at the Oregon State University Department of Horticulture. She formerly worked as an organic vegetable farmer in Massachussetts.
Slides from the webinar as a pdf handout
About eOrganic
eOrganic is the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice at eXtension.org. Our website at https://www.eorganic.org contains articles, videos, and webinars for farmers, ranchers, agricultural professionals, certifiers, researchers and educators seeking reliable information on organic agriculture, published research results, farmer experiences, and certification. The content is collaboratively authored and reviewed by our community of University researchers and Extension personnel, agricultural professionals, farmers, and certifiers with experience and expertise in organic agriculture.
Title: Cover Crops for Disease Suppression
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST