This webinar took place on March 15, 2022
About the Webinar
The webinar will be 45 minutes long, followed by 30 minutes for questions, and the presentation will consist of 2 parts:
Part 1: Carbon Footprint of Organic Grass-fed Dairies using the Integrated Farm System Model (IFSM), by Dr. Kleves Veira de Almeida, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of New Hampshire: The Integrated Farm System Model is a research and educational tool for assessing the production performance, economic aspects, and environmental impact of farm systems. Our goal is to assess the main physical and biological processes focused on nutrient utilization of organic grass-fed dairy farms in order to optimize this food production system and evaluate its environmental impact.
Part 2: Impact of pasture composition and forage energetics on organic, grassfed dairy cattle production, by Miriam Snider, University of Vermont: Using an in vitro model, we evaluated the impacts of commonly utilized forages on rumen fermentation, animal energetics, and methane production. Our main goal is to determine what forages, or forage mixtures, should be used in pasture systems to improve organic, grassfed dairy animal production while evaluating potential impacts to the environment.
For more upcoming webinars on grass-fed dairy see our schedule here.